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Other Services and Activities.

Want to add exotics to your ranch? Are you a photography hobbyist or a birder? Just looking for a place to shoot skeet? In addition to our extensive hunting opportunities we also offer these activities and services...

Exotic sales, capture and transport.

We have been in the exotic business for over 20 years. We offer exotic transport, capture, sale and consulting. If you are interested in stocking your ranch with exotics, we can help you set up the right environment for a variety of animals. We offer many different species for sale and we can provide safe transport for any exotics. Please visit our commercial sale site for more details...


Because of our unique location on the central flyway, we have hundreds of species of migratory and indigenous birds on the ranch including; Bald Eagles, Red-Tailed Hawks and other raptors. Every year you will see Geese, Ducks, Cranes , Quail and Dove.


If photography is you hobby, we are the perfect place to come, stay and photograph some of the truly most picturesque animals in the world.

Skeet and range shooting. 

Our facility is complete with a rife, pistol and skeet range. Bring your group over for an afternoon BBQ and clay bird shootout. 


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